
Posts Tagged ‘Rash’


Photograph of Cod Liver Oil capsules.

Image via Wikipedia

How to cure skin rushes

Common rashes are often called dermatitis, meaning inflammation of the skin; they involve changes in the color or texture of the skin including skin redness or inflammation. Here are some suggestions on treatment

Take an Oatmeal bath

Apply olive oil to the rash

Aloe Vera gel, cod liver oil and Vitamin E oil are also helpful  in neutralizing the rash.

Using baking powder on the affected area is another suggestion to deal with skin rash.

How to brighten dull skin without chemicals

Dull skin is as a result of impurities that blocks your skin pores natural Exfoliating is one way of removing the dead skin cells that block the pores. It gently removes dead skin cells and germs on the surface of your skin.

Here are some foods you can use to purify your skin; lime juice mixed with sesame oil, green tea, or bananas mixed with yogurt. Also mild exfoliating enzymes found in pumpkin juice and papaya juice and work better in sloughing off dead skin cells and reducing clogging in the pores. These enzymes can effectively dissolve the bond that sticks dead skin cells to the surface of the dermis.

How to get rid of scars on your skin

There are several natural and herbal remedies to prevent and treat scars by opening the kitchen cabinet. These herbal methods are inexpensive and safe to use.

Cucumber – The cucumber is very helpful in the removal of scar tissues. Prepare a paste of cucumber and apply directly onto the scars. This will help the scars to smoothen out after a few applications left overnight.

Indian Gooseberry – The Indian gooseberry (amalaki) is very beneficial in the prevention of scars after healing. Gooseberry is a good source of vitamin C, which is very essential for cementing the open wounds.

Garlic – Cut a clove of garlic into half and rub it on the acne scars. This helps to treat the acne without leaving a scar behind later on.

Aloe Vera – Aloe Vera is also an effective herbal remedy for the treatment of residual scars. Its juice acts as natural bleach. When applied directly onto the scars it helps the scar to slowly reduce and vanish.

How to cure itchy skin

Aloe Vera: This is gel-like substance from cut Aloe is widely known for treating skin burns and sunburns. Aloe Vera also helps in healing wounds and minor skin irritations such as an itchy skin rash. This plant produces anti inflammatory, anti bacterial, and anti fungal properties.

Calendula Essential Oil: Calendula is widely used for reducing inflammation and treating diaper rash. Experts say that Calendula works by stimulating the production of white blood cells that aid in destroying harmful microbes.

Chamomile Essential Oil: Has anti inflammatory (anti-microbial) properties that soothes and eliminates an itchy skin rash and irritations.